Q is for Quinoa!

Vegan, Gluten-Free, Raw (can be prepared raw)

QQuinoa 🙂 . Sometimes I will buy a small 14oz package of Quinoa and will prepare the entire package to be used throughout the week in various recipes. I love Quinoa with herbs, olive oil and veggies added or as a salad garnish and it’s also fantastic added in a wrap.
Quinoa is indeed a Super Food. It contains all 9 essential amino acids and has been deemed a complete protein. It’s iron rich and is packed with Fiber, Zinc, Magnesium, Manganese and Vitamins B2 (Riboflavin), E and B6. So versatile and quick to prepare – I’ve added pics below of a couple dishes. Make a pot, be creative and stay healthy. Enjoy!

Basic Preparation: 1-Cup Quinoa to 2-Cups Liquid (Water or Vegetable Broth). In medium saucepan, combine both liquid and quinoa and bring to a boil. Cover then Reduce Heat to Low. Continue to simmer for 15-20 minutes. Remove lid then fluff with a fork. Liquid will absorb and germ will spirals out.

Veggie Quinoa Wrap
Creamy Italian Dressing (recipe here)
Fresh baby Spinach
1/2 Avocado


Tossed Spinach Salad with Quinoa and Roasted Chickpeas
Fresh Baby Spinach
Roasted Chickpeas (recipe here)



8 thoughts on “Q is for Quinoa!

  1. legreene515 says:

    I love Quinoa too, which I used to pronounce horribly wrong. The first time I tried it I thought it was disgusting, but then I played around with it. My favorite are black bean/quinoa burgers. So yummy. I want to try this wrap. It looks fantastic.

    Liked by 1 person

    • veganrescue says:

      That’s funny – I thought about writing (Keen-Wah) or something like that in my post too, for the folks that are new to it, so they know how to pronounce it.
      I love it in burgers too! Something about how it crisps up during cooking that I really enjoy.
      You know one item (usually compared to Quinoa) that I had trouble with first time I tried it and the next time I tried it and so on…Couscous. :-/ Maybe its the texture. I’m willing to give it another try.

      Liked by 1 person

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