Oven Roasted Chickpeas

Oven Roasted Spiced Chickpeas
(Makes about 3 Cups) – Vegan, Gluten-Free, Soy-Free

There I was Sunday with the house all to myself, everybody was out all day. I seized the moment to blog a little, enjoy some good music and read a GOOD book. The book was the main task of the day, so no distractions. I’ve been reading Seth’s next book, I’m helping him make edits before he sends it off to be published. No spoiler alerts here…you’ll have to wait and see! I will say that it is intense, honest and explicit…this is a mad world we live in.
Reading and Editing…Reading and Editing…I worked up a mini appetite. I needed a snack and we were out of hummus. So I opened the pantry – well I had chickpeas and tahini, I could make more…. but no distractions I told myself! As simple as hummus is to make, I decided to go a simpler route and make roasted chickpeas. Just toss them in some seasonings and then toss them in the oven and back to work, what could be easier. You can make them spicier or mild, whichever you decide.

2 (15 oz) Cans Chickpeas (Garbanzo beans)
2 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
½ Tsp Wasabi Powder (Horseradish, Spirulina, Turmeric)
½ Tsp Smoked Paprika
½ Tsp Salt
¼ Tsp course Ground Black Pepper
(Note: Wasabi and Smoked Paprika can be adjusted from ¼ to 1 Tsp depending on preference).

-Preheat oven 400 degrees.
-Drain and rinse chickpeas. Remove any skin that is visible from chickpeas. I put them in a bowl and feel through, removing that outer layer of skin as I go. Get as much as you can, it’s okay if there are some left.
-Combine all ingredients in a large bowl.
-Place chickpeas on baking sheet (be sure the baking sheet has a lip on it 1-2 inches, they like to roll).
-Bake for 40 minutes. – Shake pan during cooking to toss chickpeas for even cooking (about 3 times during cooking process, abt 13-15 mins or so). Enjoy!


Grilled Portabella (Portobello) Mushroom Burgers

Easy Grilled Portaburgers [Portabella (Portobello) Mushroom Burgers]
(Serves 4) – Vegan/Gluten-Free option (GF Rolls)
Portoburger, Portaburger
I’m SO over winter. Would you believe last Friday on the first day of spring it snowed? Of course it was an all day event too, from about 7:30am until after 6:00pm – Snow! Our eldest daughter even had a minor car accident that day. Fortunately, no other cars were involved, but poor Megan on the first day of spring a snow related accident. Well, there are beautiful sunny days on the horizon. C’mon Seth, lets move out West and make those beautiful sunny days year-round, haha! A girl can wish or hope, right? In anticipation of warm weather – spring and summer, I’ve been craving something grilled and fresh. These burgers are so simple and take no time at all to make. I used my indoor stovetop grill pan. A must try and I’ll add that I never saw food disappear so quickly. After making the burgers I toasted the bread on the grill and served them up along side an easy rainbow carrot pasta salad.

4 Portabella Mushrooms, cleaned/stems removed
3 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
2 Tbsp Tamari Soy Sauce
1 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 Tsp Garlic Powder
1 Tsp course Black Pepper
1 Tsp Dried Oregano
4 Rolls – Kaiser or Buns for Serving

-Heat Grill or Grill pan over medium heat.
-In a small bowl, whisk to combine: Balsamic, Tamari, Olive Oil, Garlic Powder, Black Pepper and Oregano.
-Clean mushrooms – wipe clean with damp paper towel, remove stem and I like to remove the black gills also-they scrape out easy with a spoon.
-Marinate mushrooms. Place them in a large platter/glass dish, first with gill side down then flip and marinate on the opposite side. 10 minutes on each side was enough – I left it out on the counter at room temp. If you want to marinate for a longer period of time, just cover and refrigerate; but I found that 20 minutes was plenty.
-When your grill is hot and ready – grill on each side for about 5-7 minutes. I grilled gill side up (top down) to start, then flipped after 5-7 minutes. No need to push, mash or mess with them; just place them on the grill and let them cook they’ll develop some nice grill marks too.
Portabella Mushrooms
-Top with your favorite burger toppings. We topped with sliced avocado, tomatoes, grilled red onions and butter lettuce. Dress your bun with this amazing aioli sauce, incredible. Enjoy!

Easy Rainbow Carrot Pasta Salad:
These Portoburgers were served along side an easy Pasta Salad: (1-2lb) Mini Penne; (12oz) baby Rainbow carrots; Diced tomatoes; (16oz) Corn; Celery (2) stalks/ribs-chopped finely; ½ Red Onion-Diced; 2 Tbsp Capers; 1 Tsp Dried Oregano; ½ Tsp Salt; 1 Tsp course Black pepper – Tossed in a zesty Italian vinaigrette. –This is a simple recipe and the little ones enjoyed the leftovers as a side/snack in their lunch bags for a couple days too! Just a quick note, if the pasta seems dry the next day – just freshen it up with additional dressing or add some Vegenaise (Vegan Mayo).


Citrus Soba Noodles with Asian Glazed “Scallops” (King Trumpet Mushrooms)

Citrus Soba Noodles with Asian Glazed “Scallops” (King Trumpet Mushrooms)
(Serves 4-6) – Vegan / Gluten-Free

Soba Noodles and Asian Scalloped Mushrooms
I was inspired by the King Trumpet mushroom. Seth and I were browsing in our local whole foods store yesterday and I saw these beauties. These mushrooms have thick meaty stems that hold up well during cooking; they also keep well in the fridge and should stay fresh over a week. The stems remind me of scallops when sliced. You can easily substitute these mushroom stems sliced up as a vegan alternative to any ‘scallop’ dish. The soba noodles are a great gluten-free alternative to pasta. This dish is hearty but doesn’t feel heavy or leave you feeling bluh! Enjoy, I hope you try this one.

2 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
9.5 oz King Trumpet Mushrooms
2 (8oz) Pkgs Soba Noodles (100% Buckwheat Pasta)
2 heads of Broccoli Florets
1 (12oz) Pkg Frozen Edamame
5 Scallions, chopped (white/light green parts)
4 sm-med. Carrots, shredded

King Trumpet Mushrooms

Dressing/Sauce for ‘Scallops’:
2 Tbsp Tamari Soy Sauce
1 Tbsp Toasted Sesame Oil
1 Tbsp Rice Vinegar
1 Tsp Sriracha
1 Tsp Blue Agave Nectar

Dressing/Sauce for Soba Noodles:
¼ Cup Tamari Soy Sauce
2 Tbsp Toasted Sesame Oil
3 Tbsp Rice Vinegar
1 Tsp Sriracha
1 Tbsp Blue Agave
½ an Orange, juiced
1 Tsp Fresh Grated Ginger

-Trim ends from trumpet mushrooms, then cut in ½ – 1 inch pieces. Cut stems only for ‘scallops’ then slice tops and any smaller pieces and set aside – reserve for later.
-Combine all ingredients for ‘scallop’ sauce in a bowl, whisk together. –Add mushroom stems to bowl and allow the mushrooms to marinate for 15-20 minutes.
King Trumpet Mushroom/Scallops
-Meanwhile, fill pot with water and bring to boil. Add Soba noodles and boil for 8 minutes, drain and rinse under cool water. Set aside.
-In large sauté pan, heat olive oil over medium-high heat. Drain mushroom stems ‘scallops’ and pat dry. Sauté stems in pan for 2-3 minutes on each side. Remove and set aside.
Seared Mushrooms
-In a large pot bring 4 Cups of water to boil. Add Edamame and return to boil. Add broccoli on top and cook for 4 minutes. –I don’t stir the pot; I just allow the broccoli to sit atop the Edamame so they steam up. Drain and rinse under cool water and set aside.
-Back to sauté pan that ‘scallops’ were in. Heat pan over medium heat, then add remaining mushroom tops and pieces – sauté for 1 minute. Add carrots and scallions and heat for another minute. Add Soba noodles and toss with dressing/sauce and heat through. Serve and top with scallop pieces. Enjoy!

Mofongo (Fried Plantain Dish)

Mofongo (Fried Plantain Dish)
(Serves 4) – Vegan / Gluten-Free (using GF Panko or omit)

Vegan Mofongo with Coconut Bacon

Vegan Mofongo with Coconut Bacon

Mofongo is another classic Puerto Rican dish made with plantains and typically made with Chicharrón (Fried Pork Skins aka Pork Rinds). I’ve never had chicharrónes, so I can’t say that I know what they taste, which means I’ve never had Mofongo in its traditional form with pork. Mofongo is typically also made using a pilón (wooden mortar and pestle). Since I realize not many people may own a pilón, let alone know what it is, this recipe is made without using one. However, if you have one use it, since a pilón is made of wood over time it absorbs the flavors of the ingredients that have been prepared in it over the years (mashed garlic, olive oil etc.) this in turn will enhance the flavor of your dish. Have you ever chopped up garlic on your wood cutting board, and then washed it and it still smelled like garlic afterwards – similar concept. Since this version is already omitting the pork and not using a pilón either, I wanted to maintain the concept. You can surely just mash everything up in a bowl instead of the cutting board, however, since I took the time to make the garlic into a paste I want to be sure to incorporate all that flavor from the cutting board so I mash the plantains first on my cutting board into the garlic before transferring into a bowl to combine the remaining ingredients. I absolutely love how garlicky this recipe is.
Vegan Mofongo
Tostones (Prepared using 4 Plantains)
2 Cups Coconut Bacon, see recipe
9 Garlic Cloves, mashed
2 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
½ Tbsp Salt
1 Cup Vegetable Broth
1/3 Cup Panko Bread Crumbs + 1 Tsp Liquid Smoke, Optional

-Prepare Tostones – see recipe here.
-If using pilón – mash garlic, olive oil and salt then add Tostones (about 6-8 per person).
-Without a pilón – begin by chopping garlic on cutting board, once chopped add olive oil and salt and continue mashing into a paste. Continue passing your knife in a dragging motion.
Garlic Paste
-Divide garlic evenly on cutting board. With a potato masher begin mashing tostones into garlic (about 6-8 pieces per person).
-Once mashed transfer to bowl and combine with remaining ingredients. I divide up evenly, for example ¼ cup broth per.
-Toast panko over medium heat in a dry pan for a couple minutes until lightly toasted, fold into mofongo mixture.

-Remove from bowl and form into a ball, serve as a side or main entrée.

-Instead of using completed flattened tostones. Fry plantains 1-inch pieces about 7 minutes on each side and mash/incorporate from there with remaining ingredients.
-Once all ingredients have been incorporated you can fry a second time the completed mofongo ball for a couple minutes.

Coconut Bacon!

Coconut Bacon!

The first time I ever realized that coconut ‘bacon’ was even a thing was at a restaurant in Philly called the Memphis Taproom when I tasted their vegan sandwich called the Smoked Coconut Club! This sandwich is so incredible and was even featured on the Food Network’s show Diners, Driver-Ins & Dives. Seriously, if you are ever in Philadelphia, try this sandwich, they actually use a smoker to smoke their coconut. Since that experience years ago, I was inspired to make coconut ‘bacon’ myself, however, using smoked flavoring instead of an actual smoker. Since then I’ve added it atop my black bean burgers, put it in my version of Spaghetti alla Carbonara, in Mofongo and even attempted to recreate the Taproom’s Coconut Club.

2 Cups Coconut Flakes
2 Tbsp Tamari Soy Sauce
2 Tbsp Liquid Smoke (vegan friendly)
1 ½ Tbsp Maple Syrup or Agave
½ Tsp Smoked Paprika

-Preheat oven 350 degrees.
-In a large bowl combine all ingredients.
-Place coconut flakes on baking sheet and toast for 10-12 minutes. Shake or flip halfway through so they bake up evenly.
Let them cool.
I’ve ran out of Maple syrup in the past and have made this with Blue agave and it came out okay too. Enjoy!

Spaghetti alla Carbonara – Pictured below.

Puerto Rican Tostones (Twice Fried Plantains)

Puerto Rican Tostones (Twice Fried Plantains)
(Serves 4-6 but can be easily multiplied or divided) – Vegan / Gluten-Free / Soy-Free

Tostones are a classic Latin dish and they are so simple to make. They are twice fried plantains and can be served as a side item or as an appetizer/snack. I enjoy these straight up with salt/garlic powder but the kids enjoy them with ketchup similar to french fries. They are crunchy on the outside and soft in the middle.
Although my mother may not realize, I was a bit of a sponge growing up and have many fond memories of our food, culture and traditions. I learned a tremendous amount from her and now enjoy making and veganizing a lot of my favorite childhood dishes.


4 Green Plantains (depends on serving size)
Oil for Frying – Canola/Vegetable
6-8 Cups of warm water (does not have to be an exact measurement), divided
1-2 Tsp Garlic Powder
2-4 Tsp Salt, divided
(Garlic Powder/Salt do not have to be an exact measurement in this recipe, they are used to sprinkle/toss after frying).

-Peel plantains: cut off ends and then cut a slit lengthwise down the plantain and remove the skin.
– Heat Oil over medium heat so its ready when it’s fry time. Oil should be about an inch from the bottom – it should come up about halfway up the plantains when they are added.
-Fill a bowl with about 4 cups of warm salted water.
-Cut into 1-inch pieces. -Add the cut pieces to the water as you go until all the plantains have been cut. This prevents oxidation while you continue to prepare. Note: Water measurement does not have to be exact it should be enough to cover.
-Drain water and dry pieces completely before frying.
-Fry plantains about 6 minutes total – about 3 minutes on each side, flipping halfway.
-Remove plantains and drain on a paper towel.
-Press plantain pieces.
You can use a tostonera (plantain press – pictured above) or mom’s tried and true way of a simple brown paper bag. Just rip off a large piece and press by hand – the bag will also absorb excess oil. Set aside once they are all flattened.
-Re-fill bowl with warm water. Quickly dip each piece into water before dropping back in oil for 2nd fry. (Do not let them sit or soak in the water in this step, as they will get soggy). Just a quick dip before frying again will make them crispier.
-Fry for another 1-2 minutes on each side until they are crispy and golden.
-Remove from oil, drain and sprinkle/toss in salt and garlic powder immediately. Serve warm. Enjoy!

Orecchiette and Broccoli Rabe

Orecchiette and Broccoli Rabe
(Serves 6-8) –Vegan, Soy-Free and can be made Gluten-Free

Easy breezy orecchiette and rapini. Rapini aka Broccoli Rabe is bitter, bold and tasty. The first time I sampled Broccoli Rabe was at a vegan restaurant in NYC, oh boy were we all thrown by the bitterness. These leafy greens may be an acquired taste for some. Blanching/shocking coupled with the heat of the crushed red pepper flakes should help cut the bitterness. We enjoyed this preparation much better than our NYC experience. I absolutely love simple pasta dishes.

When you’re eating out, choices can be simplified. An effortless ‘go to’ dish for me, other than the obvious salad, would be pasta tossed with fresh garlic, olive oil and veggies-typically broccoli or whatever veggies are on hand. –Be sure to confirm the pasta is eggless. Eating out doesn’t have to be over complicated, I always get the same question from non-vegans, “what are you going to eat, I don’t see anything ‘vegan’ on the menu.” My response is typically, “Food” hehe. Keep it Simple. This pasta dish is flexible try it with Broccoli Rabe, Swiss chard, Kale, Peas or Broccoli. You can add in vegan Tofurky sausage if you’d like to make it a traditional Orecchiette, Broccoli Rabe and Sausage dish. Enjoy!
1 bunch Broccoli Rabe (Rapini)
2 (12oz) boxes Orecchiette pasta
5 cloves Garlic, chopped, divided
7 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil, divided
¼ Tsp crushed Red Pepper flakes
1 Tsp Sea Salt
1 Tsp Fresh ground Pepper
2 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast

-Prepare ice bath – fill a large bowl with cold water and ice.
-Bring pot of water to boil.
-Trim ends of Broccoli Rabe about 1 ½ inch. Chop remaining in thirds.
-Rinse in colander under cool water.
-Blanch & Shock: Place Broccoli Rabe in boiling water for 2 minutes. Remove from water then immediately transfer to ice bath for 3-5 minutes. Drain and set aside.
-Prepare pasta according to package. –I boil the pasta in the same water that I blanched the broccoli rabe in. I cook for exactly 12 minutes. Drain then set aside.
-Heat 2 Tbsp olive oil in pan over medium add crushed red pepper flakes and heat for about a minute. Add half of the garlic and continue heat thru for another minute.
-Add Broccoli Rabe to olive oil, garlic mixture and toss to coat and heat through.
-Add Pasta to pan and toss to coat. Then add remaining Garlic, Nutritional Yeast, Salt/Pepper and remaining olive oil. Serve and Enjoy!

Roasted Rosemary Mixed Nuts

Roasted Mixed Nuts

These are a delicious and satisfying snack. All the flavors meld together and they are just superb while they are still warm. This is a large batch of roasted mixed nuts and makes about 40 (1/4 Cup) servings combined. We surely eat more than ¼ cup [chuckle].

1 pkg (14oz) Peanuts
1 pkg (9oz) Raw Cashews
1 pkg (9.5) Raw Almonds
1 pkg (7oz) Walnuts
2 Tbsp Earth Balance (Vegan Butter)
1 Tsp Cayenne Pepper
2 sprigs fresh Rosemary, removed from stems, chopped roughly (about 2 Tbsp)
2 Tsp Brown Sugar
2 Tbsp Raw Blue Agave
2 Tsp Sea Salt
½ Tsp Cinnamon

-Preheat oven 375 degrees.
-In a large bowl toss raw nuts to combine. Spread evenly on an ungreased baking sheet (2) – I used two.
-Roast in oven for 10-12 minutes. – I give them a shake halfway through so they roast evenly.
-While nuts are roasting in large bowl add: Earth Balance, Cayenne Pepper, Rosemary, Brown Sugar, Agave, Salt and Cinnamon. –You can use all brown sugar or all agave as the sweetener if you prefer to adjust.
-After nuts have been roasted add them directly to mixture while they are hot. Enjoy!
Great for a party or store in airtight container (room temp or in refrigerator) and pack them for lunch to snack on.

Buckwheat Buttermilk Pancakes

Buckwheat Buttermilk Pancakes
(Vegan, Gluten-Free, Soy-Free) – Makes 10 pancakes

184 calories for (2) pancakes or 277 calories for (3)

I have this pretty amazing pancake recipe that I routinely make. My pancake go to recipe, everyone has one, right? Even if you’re opening a box of the “just add water” stuff. I got off that ‘stuff’ years ago, once I realized how easy it was to make myself from scratch. The same goes for cookies and cakes from mixing bowl to oven, it shouldn’t take more than 10-15 minutes to mix a few ingredients together. The only exception is my carrot cake and that is simply because I shred/grate a few carrots, if that counts as work.
Back to my pancakes, I wanted to challenge myself. How can I make them better? They tasted great and were fluffy, everything you want in a pancake. I thought about a conversation I had with my mother last week she mentioned the idea of exploring a gluten-free diet. Bingo! I’ll make a gluten-free version. If you have or know someone with gluten sensitivity, celiac disease, an addiction to wheat gluten or any other reason you’d like to eliminate gluten from your diet, this recipe can easily become your go to. Buckwheat despite having wheat in the name, it is not a grain. It is actually a fruit seed related to rhubarb. Buckwheat appears to be a grain but it is a pseudocereal, like quinoa or amaranth. The seeds can be eaten as a cereal or ground up into flour. This recipe utilizes buckwheat flour.  Buckwheat is a rich source of fiber, protein, riboflavin, niacin and minerals like copper, magnesium and zinc, great for your immune system.
So I make these delectable pancakes and to my surprise, I start to hear murmurs at the table while I’m in the kitchen. “I like these better” I hear…first, one of the children and then my husband. Note to self: “It’s okay…the other ‘pretty amazing pancakes’ that I first mentioned are still good and should still be blogged about in the near future.”

1 1/2 Cup Almond milk, unsweetened
1 Tbsp Apple cider vinegar
1 1/3 Cup Buckwheat Flour
1 Tbsp ground Flax Seeds
½ Tbsp Pure Vanilla extract
½ Tsp Salt
1 Tsp Baking powder
2 Tbsp Coconut Oil, plus additional for pan

-Stir Apple cider vinegar into Almond milk to create a buttermilk. Let this stand while you blend your remaining ingredients.
-In a mixing bowl, whisk together Buckwheat flour, ground flax seeds, salt and baking powder so dry ingredients are incorporated.
-Cut in coconut oil to dry mixture, you can use your hands or mix in with the whisk.
(Chunks are okay, if you use your hands the heat from your hands can melt some of the coconut oil, which is okay too.)
-Add buttermilk (almond milk/apple cider vinegar) mixture to dry ingredients plus vanilla extract and whisk together.
-Lightly oil frying pan or griddle with some additional coconut oil over medium heat.
-Using a ¼ Cup Measuring cup, scoop batter and pour into frying pan. (Depending on pan size I’ll make two or three at a time.)
-Like any other pancake once the top of the batter starts to bubble in the pan you should be ready to flip. Cook until browned.
-Serve with your favorite topping – fresh fruit, maple syrup or plain. Enjoy!

Pancake tip: Between each batch, for instance, if I make two or three pancakes before going right into the next set of pancakes: I take frying pan and run it under cool water, then return it to the stove before adding the additional coconut oil or Earth balance (vegan butter) and putting in my next batch/batter. I’d say for the past 10 years or so I’ve always done this while making pancakes. I do this to keep the heat of the pan consistent. It always bothered me how the first two or three would look great vs. the last two or three that would be burnt looking or darker.

Ultimate Black Bean Burgers with Onion Strings and Aioli

Ultimate Black Bean Burgers
(Makes 10 vegan burgers)

”The Big Kahuna”

Certain foods can be very nostalgic for me. Likewise, new recipes and creations can pioneer new memories that I will surely reflect back on years from now. When the kids first tasted this burger, they absolutely loved it! I was concerned that they were alittle soft, but they were flavorful and delicious! On a toasted warm bun everything just all melded together; it is a must try with the Aioli. Seth’s reaction when he first tasted the burger, hysterical. First bite, “Mmm, wow!” Second bite, “This is a tasty burger!” Clearly he was channeling Samuel L. Jackson’s character in Pulp Fiction. I laughed. Of course then later he pulled up the clip of the scene from Pulp Fiction then said I should call the burger the “Big Kahuna Burger.” The kids laughed. This is clearly his girlfriend’s version of the Kahuna burger since Sam Jackson referenced that she was vegetarian, I said.

On our first date, Seth took me to a Stephen Starr restaurant in Philly (Tangerine). We were dressed to the nines; the restaurant had excellent ambiance. Ironically we had dinner there on the last night they were opened in August 2009. Then he cleverly planned dessert at Maggiano’s. I say cleverly because Maggiano’s is about 40 minutes away down an expressway from the other location. Of course at the time, I’m thinking, “wow, this is a long drive” now that I think back on it, it was brilliant. Long drive = conversation. Communication is key and good vs. bad can make or break a first date. Dessert was my first Maggiano’s experience – this was pre-vegan, of course. This restaurant served as several memories for us, eventually he proposed to me here also – it was a different location than from our first day, however. Maggiano’s served these amazing onion strings. Coming up with a side suitable for my black bean burgers was fairly easy when I think of these onion strings. My version is vegan and melt in your mouth delicious. I utilize a vegan buttermilk – so easy to make. Buttermilk is tart and acidic, essentially the acid causes the pH level to decrease making it curdle. I achieved this by mixing simple apple cider vinegar with almond milk. I really hope you try these recipes. Make dinner then pop on Pulp Fiction for dinner and a movie, haha. Enjoy!

Black Bean Burgers
2 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
½ Sweet Onion, chopped
3 cloves Garlic, chopped
2 (15.5oz) Cans Black Beans or 3 Cups Cooked Black Beans
¼ Cup Water
1 can of Corn or kernels off 2 ears of fresh corn
½ Cup Pumpkin Seeds, toasted
1 small head of Broccoli, florets chopped
1 Carrot, shredded
1 Tsp Cumin
1 Tsp Garlic Powder
2 Tsp Smoked Paprika
½ Cup fresh Parsley, chopped
4 pieces of Sundried Tomato (oil-packed), chopped
½ Cup Panko Breadcrumbs
½ Tbsp ground Flax Seeds
½ Tbsp Cornstarch
1 Tsp Fresh Ground Pepper
1 ½ Tsp Salt
Additional Olive oil for frying


-Heat Olive oil in pan over medium heat. Add chopped onions and sauté for 1-2 minutes, add garlic and continue sautéing for another minute.
-Add black beans to onions and garlic and heat through (1-2 minutes). – Add ¼ cup water and begin to mash beans. –You can use a potato masher; I typically just use the back of my spoon to mash them. The consistency you’re looking for is that of refried beans.
-Add mixture to a food processor (I let it cool slightly before adding to my food processor – I’ve already cracked my base before by adding something too hot).
-To the food processor add: Corn, Pumpkin Seeds, Broccoli, Carrots, Cumin, Garlic powder, Smoked Paprika, Parsley and Sundried tomatoes (chop them first before adding so they get better incorporated) and pulse until ingredients are all blended.
-Turn out into a mixing bowl, then fold in: Panko, Ground Flax Seeds (instead of buying ground, I but whole flax seeds then grind them up in a coffee grinder), Corn Starch and Salt/Pepper with a spoon or spatula.
-Once mixture is incorporated, form patties with your hands. This recipe made 10 patties for me. We ate four and I froze the remaining.
-Best method I found for these were to cook them in a sauté pan. Just heat some additional olive oil and cook for 4-5 minutes on each side. Note: I did try these baked in a 375-degree oven for 20 minutes (10 each side) but I found they broke apart easier.
-Serve these up on a whole wheat bun or bun of your choice with your favorite toppings. Enjoy!

Notes on freezing:
Place parchment/wax paper on a baking sheet – add black bean burgers and cover with a sheet of plastic wrap. Freeze for 1-2 hours or until solid. Then transfer into zip top freezer bags. I have left these overnight in the freezer also, which was fine, I just put them in the freezer bags in the morning.

Onion Strings
2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
2 Cups Almond Milk – unsweetened
2 Sweet Onions, Sliced thin
2 Cups All Purpose Flour
1 Tsp ground Pepper
1 Tsp sea Salt
1 Tsp Smoked Paprika
¼ Tsp Cayenne Pepper
Oil for Frying


-In a large mixing bowl, (large enough to add all the sliced onions), add Apple cider vinegar to Almond milk – stir in and let stand before you slice the onions, about 10 mins.
-Slice the onions thin either with your knife or I find it easiest to use a mandolin so all the slices are uniform and even about 3mm (1/8”). I also cut only one side of the onion ring to make long strings instead of circle rings.
-Mix together flour, pepper/salt, paprika and cayenne pepper in a separate bowl and set aside.
-Add onions to buttermilk and let stand for about 45 minutes to an hour.
-Working in batches, grab a handful of onions drain excess milk toss in flour – shake off excess flour and fry for about 2-3 minutes until golden.
-I just used a pan on my stovetop filled halfway with oil or you can use a deep fryer if you’d like. Enjoy!

Spicy Aioli
½ Cup Vegenaise
Juice of ½ Lemon
¼ Tsp Smoked Paprika
¼ Tsp Turmeric
2 cloves Garlic, minced
½ Tsp Sriracha

Mix all the ingredients together for a divine aioli. Top your burgers with it or use it as a dipping sauce, the possibilities are endless!